
" Un poco di luogo da potervi andare e ridurvisi talvolta a desinare, o a cena per ispasso "

Giorgio Vasari

Die Apuanischen Alpen

Alba sulle Alpi Apuane

Die Apuanischen Alpen sind ein Gebirgszug im Norden der Toskana, zwischen dem Fluss Magra (Nordwesten) und Serchio (Südosten), die der Süd-West mit der Versilia und die Apuanischen Riviera und Nordosten mit Tälern der Lunigiana und Garfagnana lehnt.
Das Adjektiv "Apuanischen" kommt von der Tatsache, dass in alten Zeiten wurden von ligurischen Apuani bewohnt.

The refuge of PietrapanaDie Apuanischen Alpen von Marco Marando

In den späten neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Gustavo Dalgas, einer der angesehensten Mitglieder der Florentiner Abschnitt des CAI, in seinem Artikel "Pania della Croce" definiert die Apuanischen Alpen "ein Miniatur der Alpen."

Ein Ausdruck sehr effektive Rahmen für eine Reihe von Bergen, deren Morphologie ist in vieler Hinsicht ähnlich beeindruckenden Bergkette , die den Titel der napoleonischen Zeit in den Alpen erworben hat, im Gegensatz zu der rundere Profil der Nähe Apennin, gibt es in der Tat Bergspitzen, Türme, Pyramiden, Wänden scharf.

Im Quartär gab es auch eine ziemlich Gletschertätigkeit, trotz der Nähe des Meeres mit seinen mildernden Einfluss auf die Luft, die Textur zu erweichen sie.

Der größte Gletscher in "Val Serenaia" erweitert, im Nordabschnitt der Kette, mit 6,5 km Länge in einer spektakulären Amphitheater von Spitzen: "Pizzo d'Uccello" (m 1781), "Gondilice" (m 1805) "Contrario "(m 1789)," Cavallo "(m 1899) und" Pisanino "(m 1945).

Ein weiteres Tal Spur, die klare Vorstellung von der Konnotation des Alpenmassivs gibt, ist das Tal der Hotels, die Runde kommt der Fuß des prächtigen Südwand des Mount "Contrario", während in der Ferne Berg "Cavallo" Show für ihre gesamte Schwanz, durch die einzigartige Form der "Carina" peack dominiert. Weg in Richtung auf die Mitte der Gebirgskette sind auch andere Gipfel, die 1700 Meter überschreiten: "Tambura" (m 1890), "Roccandagia" (m 1700), "Sumbra" (m 1764) und "Pania della Croce" (1859 m ) und deutlich sichtbar in diesen Räumen Süden nach Norden, fast in der Nähe der Küste, befindet sich das isolierte "Monte Sagro" (1749 m), die sich wie der Name schon sagt gewesen zu sein ein heiliger Ort für die ersten Einwohner.

The carsick nature of these mountains has created in them a tangle of pipes, caves, tunnels that open sometimes in sudden salt produced from the corrosive action of water percolating: only those who have the ability to venture into this world apart can admire its amazing architecture. In addition to caves known as the "Grotta del Vento", the "Buca d'Equi" (where he stayed prehistoric man) and "l'Antro del Corchia", there are several depths, deep and narrow wells originated when vehement tectonic movements have caused fractures.

The record of depth in the Apuan Alps and in Italy it's for the "Roversi", in the region of "Carcaraia"; discovered by Bologna's cavers in the seventies, , accurate and final measurement (-1350 m) there was only 25 years later, thanks to the exploration of Florence's colleagues.

Enclosed in an area of just over 1000 sq. km., The Apuan Alps, especially along the sea side, are divided into the deep valley gorges where the sun is in hiding for several hours each day. Less harsh and more wooded slope appears the Apennines, where you can see groups of mixed oaks, hornbeam, alder, hazel, chestnut, and from 900 m, beautiful beech forests. This discrepancy between the two sides has resulted in microclimates often conflict, which gave rise to a rich variety of plant species: among these relics of past ages some endemic here, confined in some oasis, were allowed to continue their precious lives.

On the paths of the Apuan Alps Walking along over 500km of trails that go up, down, around, intersect an infinite landscape and offer more and different perspectives, not least the one that has as its background the sea, is a feature that few other mountain groups can afford. And at stake there is always the magic of surprise, is that our presence are ancient trees, or strawberries and their unmistakable perfume rejoice that our passage.

The strong anthropization and exploitation of the mountain, which was necessary to feed generations of people, forced by the nature of an ancestral territory and relentless poverty and the presence of a railway line that runs around the mountain range and basins the production of hydroelectric power, have given way to the precise limits to the demarcation of the Park of the Apuan Alps. Established in 1985, actually came into force on 11 August 1997. Even in this they differ from the Apuan Alps park concept in the traditional sense, which is conceived as a kind of impenetrable fortress where nature is the absolute queen, and where you come home to tens of kilometres.

Here it is not, so that the people in a protected area of the Park of the Apuan Alps are about 20000, including urbanized areas contiguous.
A mountain range very complex, despite the limited size ... both in width, and height.

The locations of the shelters in the park offers a range of mountains optimal use the articles: ease of access and links between the various structures offers opportunities for hiking uphill simple alternative to the valley and the villages, there is a clear example of the High Street , ridge path suggested by Angelo Nerli, for experienced hikers, never intrude in mountaineering itself: a long walk in the summer, a fascinating and intriguing to see close up stunning landscapes, places in between the Apennines and the sea.

By Marco Marando

Panorama delle Alpi Apuane


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